Valerie’s Headshot

Valerie is truly inspirational woman, she has given up a business to follow her heart and start a new journey. Part of her journey includes inspiring others. Please check her new business Inspiration Fest.

Sharon’s Headshots

Sharon (aka The Passionate Painter) is a truly creative woman. Not only does she creates top quality bespoke hand painted furniture, kitchens, and staircase painting but also painting & craft workshops for Adults & Children. When she asked me to create her business headshots I jumped at the chance. I adore what we created, with the right choice of wardrobe, hair & makeup we have created business portraits that she can use for years to come.

Sharon’s Couture Headshot

Sharon contacted me to update her business headshot and decided to do a Couture shoot along with it, which is a great idea to get more return from your session.



Women In Business

What is your First Impression? Create a headshot that is professional, approachable & confident



Brenda’s Business Images

We wanted to create a series of images that reflected Brenda’s brand of Annie Ruffles Vintage Creations, an event styling company that rents and styles vintage props & accessories for events. Through our initial pre-shoot appointment where we discussed her brand & values we chose a stunning location that we felt reflected this. #personalbrand2016

Bobby O Connor Headshots

I recently photographed the CEO of Unijobs, Bobby O Connor, on the day we discussed the importance of having a good headshot, not just for the self employed but also those who are looking for work.


You can read what he told me 


Judith Ryan

Judith is a wonderful actress, who recently asked for headshots for a one woman show in Dublin. We created images to reflect the type of characters she plays so as to help achieve future roles too. As always images are supplied in colour and black & white.


Environmental Portraits

We don’t often do location shoots but when we do, we’ve got to pick a great location. This is the gorgeous Louise, a stunningly beautiful soprano singer. During the pre-consultation we discussed the type of imagery and one place came to mind… can you guess? Its King John’s Castle. Thank goodness the weather was in our favour!

Business Headshots

Business headshots need to look welcoming and professional and reflect the industry you are in. Keep your style simple, avoid large patterns, and opt for solid colours and a style that is comfortable.

Check out the blog post about Business head shots, it might answer a few questions 

Men’s Business headshots

Business headshots need to look welcoming and professional and reflect the industry you are in. Keep your style simple, avoid large patterns, and opt for solid colours and a style that is comfortable.

Check out the blog post about Business head shots, it might answer a few questions